Young-hae Chang lives in SeouL She is CEO of YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES (http: I /www.yhchang.com ), a partnership with Marc Voge , CIO. She was artist-in-residence at MAAP (Multimedia Art Asia Pacific) in Brisbane in 1999. YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES won an Honourable Mention in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's Webby Awards 2000. lt has recently completed Web-based projects for the New Museum of New York , ISEA 2000 Forum des Images, the Rotterdam Film Festival, the Stuttgart Filmwinter, and Taos Talking Pixels, in New Mexico. The following e-mail interview took place in late 2000-2001 .
Molly Hankwitz Can you tell us about the work that you have done for the New Museum, New York and your other recent projects overseas? Are your themes changing? How does the 'global' context of working outside the Asia Pacific 'region' affect your content parameters, if at all?
Young-hae Chang Well, BUST DOWN THE DOOR was originally a splash page for rhizome.org. Rhizome showed it and other Rhizome splash pages on monitors at the New Museum. There is a more complex version on our site (http://www.yhchang.com/BUST DOWN_ THE_DOORS! .html). Notice the plural. We originally made this longer version for an exhibition organized by the artist and curator Sean Kerr at The Physics Room (http://www .physicsroom.org.nz) in Christchurch, New Zealand, last September.
Yes, I think our themes are changing. BUST DOWN THE DOOR, short or long version, tries to take the viewer out of the safety of the Internet and into the horror of daily life, if but for a brief, imaginary moment. We did a German version for FLASHATTACK, in Berlin (http://www. berlinbeta.de/) last summer, and I would be interested in... The rest of this article is available to subscribers of Eyeline