Blurring the Line Between Art and Science with Eduardo Kac
Art and science are two concepts that are generally considered to be binary-terms in opposition to one another. Yet we are interested in creating hybrids between these two, exploring relationships in which art and science are fused together.
Andrew Watkins, 2012
There has long been a certain disparity between art and science; the two concepts are, in their own right, respective social languages. However, when these languages are entwined, a new hybrid entity is produced/formed, which blurs the line between the two. Recently, artists have sought to fuse these two social languages, in order to comment on the debate sparked by the ethical issues related to bioengineering. Eduardo Kac is one contemporary artist who investigates such issues and merges these two languages throughout his practice. Kac utilises, with proficiency, the world of science to convey his views on the ethics and restrictions of genetic engineering. Through the creation of unique perspectives on these issues and the use of science and technologies as mediums, Kac’s practice beautifully illustrates how fundamental it is for contemporary visual art to fuse such distinct social languages.
In the construction of what has become labelled ‘transgenic art’, Eduardo Kac conveys his views on genetic engineering. In his piece entitled GFP Bunny (2000), Kac suggests scientific researchers have no regard for the animals they experiment with (Art/Sci Center, 2010). Ironically, in order to achieve this, Kac commissioned a French laboratory to genetically modify a live rabbit with a natural fluorescent protein found in jellyfish, which causes the rabbit to glow green when shrouded in the correct light (Genome News Network, 2002). Clearly, Kac aimed to provoke... The rest of this article is available to subscribers of Eyeline
Eduardo Kac, GFP Bunny, 2000. Transgenic Artwork. Courtesy Black Box Gallery, Copenhagen.
Eduardo Kac, Alba, the fluorescent rabbit. 2000. Courtesy Black Box Gallery, Copenhagen.