Interviewed by Sarah Follent
SARAH FOLLENT To begin, could you explain the general concept behind The Museum of Contemporary Art?
JAMES BAKER The old motives question.
SF Not so much motives...
JB I think it really comes from the desire to do something about the presentation of contemporary art here. That takes nothing away from the other people who are working very hard, but the Institute of Modern Art is limited by its premises, and sometimes limitations are also imposed because of the attitude of whoever is in control at the time. I'm hoping not to have that curatorial restriction by not having a resident curator. I'm not a curator, I can direct this museum on a very flexible, broad basis, which doesn't have to take a position as to the art politic, or a particular line as to the style of art that is desirable to be shown. Hence the Museum of Contemporary Art. It will be looking at what is happening today, and in the very recent past, and what lead to it .. .1f you like the anticedent work.
SF So in fact you will be, in many ways, writing a history of Australian art?
JB Hope so.
SF And work will be selected according to what sort of criteria?
JB Really attempting to avoid criteria.
SF But in selecting, do you consider, for instance, the artist's historical “importance”, what you consider the quality of the work, or a particular theoretical framework?
JB An artist who has something to say, contributed something to the way we see things.
SF You're operating on so many levels and such a large scale, with... The rest of this article is available to subscribers of Eyeline